Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cycling and Philosophy. Meeting.

Cycling and Philosophy. Tuesday 11/8/09

Inaugural meeting of Velociraptors – new non-profit society for promoting cycling and friendly open critical thinking on social and philosophical issues. Thursday 20th August 7-9pm. Lounge 1550 Arrow Rd. Free. Notify ahead. Velociraptors will hold regular rides and discussions. Attention is given to physical, mental, emotional, and social well being. Velociraptors emphasises empathetic, clear exploration of different viewpoints, arguments, and objections. Support of cycling for transport, recreation, and athletics is required but you do not need to be a dedicated cycle tourer or racer. More information at: (778) 430-0646, drvelociraptor.blogspot.com, velociraptors.ca, or email davidmercerphd@yahoo.ca

David Mercer, #2 – 1550 Arrow Rd. Victoria BC. V8N 1C6

Monday, August 10, 2009

Velociraptors and Cycle Racing

Velociraptors promotes non-elite cycle racing – recreational, club cycle racing – safe, fun cycle racing for all ages and ability levels (including those with disabilities). The emphasis is on participation, increased fitness and well-being, athletic exhilaration and fellowship not on winning or on being the best you possibly can be. Velociraptors cycle racing moves away from ego competition and sports stars.

Many cyclists do not have the time, inclination, or genes to become elite racers. They have other priorities, interests, and commitments besides cycling and cycle racing. Nevertheless, these ‘part-time’ racers get enjoyment and satisfaction from the racing experience and pushing themselves a bit harder than they would on a recreational ride. They want to see how well they can do on a limited amount of time available for training and racing – say 6 to 8 hours per week. For many people athletics or cycle racing is only part of a healthy, rich lifestyle. There are also science, literature, art, music, philosophy, emotional development, spirituality, community service, etc.

If Velociraptors does not cater to ‘serious’, ‘dedicated’ racers why bother with racing at all? One answer is that there is no sharp divide between riding (running or swimming) for general fitness and racing. As you become fit it is natural to time yourself over a given distance. Then you set yourself a personal goal of beating a certain time. You then have a natural desire to see how well you can do in a formal setting relative to others.

Velociraptors cycle racing caters to people who are left out of ‘serious’ competitive racing, e.g. those of moderate ability; those 50 or over. In particular, Velociraptors seeks to attract women over 40 to cycle racing. Cycle racing is a demanding sport but it need be no more demanding than say 10k or half-marathon running.

Velociraptors strongly supports cycle racing being part of schools and college athletic programs. It is likely that the legitimacy of cycling for transport and of cyclists’ rights are enhanced by acceptance of cycle racing as a popular sport – one not requiring immense amounts of training and fanatical dedication. A major factor in gaining acceptance for cycle racing as a sport like running which most can participate in is to have cycle racing recognized as school sport.

Velociraptors strongly supports handicap cycle racing – races in which riders get a start or time allowance based on ability or age.

Velociraptors lobbies for Municipal or Parks authorities to set aside space on playing fields for 500 or 400 metre safe cycle race circuits (grass or similar soft surface), e.g. circuit around 2 side by side soccer pitches. Disused running tracks might also do.

Velociraptors promotes cycle rides which are between races and recreational group rides, viz. reliability rides. In these, people start in groups of about 8 at about 2 minute intervals. Everyone is given a time for the distance say 20k or 40k but there are no prizes for fastest times, no winners as such. Drafting is permitted.

You do not have to race, ever, in order to be a member of Velociraptors. You just have to support non-elite cycle racing. This may take the form of helping out occasionally with a cycle race or reliability ride, e.g. marshalling, assisting with sign-on, setting up course signage, timekeeping, judging finishing order. Helping out with non-elite cycle racing is a form of community service and cycling activism. It helps raise environmental and health awareness too.

Because Velociraptors includes promoting cycle races it must be registered with Cycling BC. This means that Velociraptors members must have a Cycling BC license which gives insurance coverage before they can participate (after an initial trial) in Velociraptors group rides even if they never race.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Velociraptors and Philosophy

Velociraptors Cycling Association www.velociraptors.ca combines support of cycling with support of philosophical exploration. But why combine cycling and philosophy? Why not cycling and music, or cycling and art, literature, science, socialism, vegetarianism, or Buddhism?

Philosophy involves clarifying and questioning core guiding beliefs, values, and presuppositions which many take for granted. Cycling is a physical embodiment of philosophical questioning. By choosing to ride a bike on public roads instead of using motorized transport (or the subway) you are challenging contemporary mainstream views about lifestyle, social and political goals. Arguably, cycling, more than being an artist, musician, poet, runner, atheist, or socialist, shows a personal commitment to an alternative, environmentally friendly, self-sufficient lifestyle. Granted there are affluent cyclists as there are wealthy or well-off artists, writers, atheists, and academic left-wingers or liberals. Many cyclists own cars, property, stocks and bonds. Nevertheless, the act of cycling challenges the cult of the private automobile and thus attacks the heart of consumerism and the pursuit of wealth.

Cycling, perhaps more than any other activity or sport merges practicality – transport, travel – with physical, mental, and social well-being. Cycling offers personal liberation as well as a deeper connexion with nature – being mobile and independent in all weathers and terrains.

Philosophy does not mean just criticizing traditional, right-wing, establishment, fundamentalist positions, or scientific materialism, logical positivism, capitalism, or Western values. Philosophy recognizes that left-wing, politically correct, liberal, anti-logical/rationalist/scientific thinking, postmodern, trendy, deconstructionist, or relativist views may also contain dogmas, biases, confusions, and nebulous, woolly concepts and assertions. Thus Velociraptors welcomes people of different political, religious, and philosophical persuasions from Catholic to atheist, Conservative to Marxist, mystic to sceptic.

Philosophy need not be just an academic exercise or intellectual pursuit. Being willing to open all views to questioning even (perhaps especially) those which are congenial/appealing or distasteful/threatening to oneself does not mean being apolitical or espousing relativism – the doctrine that all views, values, or cultures are equally reasonable or plausible (there are no trans-cultural standards of objectivity). The practice of philosophical clarification, questioning, and exploration may lead to deeper, more balanced values and commitment.

Velociraptors recognizes that disagreement is inevitable in an open society. Disagreement though often upsetting can be enriching. Perhaps civilized, courteous, empathetic life is the art of accepting and respecting disagreement.

Velociraptors is committed to promoting social justice but eschews dogmas about what this consists in and methods for attaining it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Race Photos, Results, Duane Martindale.

For the past 3 seasons geneticist Dr. Duane Martindale, a past BCMCA overall champion, VCL overall winner B division, and 50 – 54 record holder Sidney time trial (24’ 01’’), has limited his own racing program in order to provide extensive photographic coverage and to coordinate race results for the BCMCA, Sidney Velo, and the Victoria Cycling League. Duane’s photos are regularly cited in my race reports. They are found at duanebc.com or bcmasterscycling.net. Photos are picked for aesthetic, dramatic, or instructional quality.

In cycle racing position on the bike is all important : be streamlined, powerful, relaxed, flat back, bent arms, fitting smoothly almost flowing over the bike. In order to see what a great time trial (or racing) position looks like go to Duane’s photos of Michael Stoehr Vh. D. (Dr. of Velosophy), Sidney Velo tt June 16th 2009 #40 – 43, May 19th #7 –11. Also study the photos of Emile de Rosnay June 2nd #49 –50, and May 26th #54 – 58. For the acme in aero (yet efficient, not strained) consult pictures of Super aero Don ‘Arrowman’ Gilmore, record holder on 3 BC time trial courses, eg. Sidney tt July 14th #3 – 7. Other models for style : ultra fast Stephen Baird former swimming champion; junior sensation Craig Logan – already 1st/2nd cat at 17; several lovely athletic women, eg. former track star Peggy Labiuk (Maass) – watch for names and pics of others; The Unknown Racer Sidney tt June 23rd #63 – 64. You may never ride as fast as these guys but if you learn to look like them you’ll be cool (and faster than if you didn’t have their style).

For more festive shots of cycle racing see The Chicks, Nanaimo River Road team tt 14th June 2009, #24; also Newton Heights June 3rd Aviawest coach Steve Lund winning with exuberant family support #78 –83.

Duane, a bird watcher, started cycle racing in his 40s after volleyball, and is believed to be conserving his energy for a major racing comeback in his 60s. Initial thoughts of beginning his comeback in 2010 received a setback when Duane realized he would then be giving 5 minutes start to rouleur extraordinaire and quadruple campionissimo Derek Tripp one year his senior. However, it is rumoured that 50s riders may be clubbing together to give Derek a sabbatical.

Duane is married to Dr. Helen Martindale optometrist, tennis player, versatile race organizer, and experienced marshall. Literary racers will savour Helen’s association through Trinity College Dublin with Oscar Wilde and James Joyce.

Duane’s trademark is a rock steady stay in the saddle position. He is still in with an outside chance at a prestigious, super elite breakthrough of the 24 minute barrier in the Sidney Velo 18k, but only if Helen lets him buy a new ridiculously expensive time trial bike. Early season training in Arizona might also be required. Costly yes, but this is the price (pun intended) you have to pay to beat Stephen ‘diesel thighs’ Price – 24’ 17’’ at age 61! Captain Chris Anstey, former Masters World Track Champion, another sexy sexagenarian, is still holding in battle formation and stoking up the knots on an array of equipment.