Saturday, May 15, 2010

Velociraptor Group Riding Comprehensive Age Standards

In effect BCMCA 10 year starting gaps of 6 minutes for 60s after 70s down to 3 minutes for 30s after 40s incorporate group riding age standards but only for exact multiples of 10 year differences in age. I offer the following comprehensive individual age standards for group starts to supplement the BCMCA Australian pursuit (or even mass starts). The Australian pursuit age format remains the main competition. However, yearly age standard times (as well as actual times) are also given to each finisher to add incentive and interest.

In the present unsupplemented age handicapping in group races the rider who is at the top age (oldest) of his starting group is at a disadvantage compared with the rider who is at the bottom age (youngest) of the same or another group (particularly for 10 year or more starting groups).
A 59 year old finishes 4 seconds behind a 51 year old.
A 49 year old finishes 4 seconds behind a 50 year old (in actual time the 49 year old is 3-56 faster the 50s having a 4 minute start over the 40s).
A 59 year old finishes 4 seconds behind a 41 year old.
In examples like these it is reasonable to hold that the rider who finishes 4 seconds behind has beaten the other on age standard.

To supplement the basic system:
Take the hypothetical average 35 year old male rider who does a 25 mile tt in 1-04-00. Assume he will do a 64 k Australian pursuit starting with other 30 year olds (some faster some slower than he ) on a somewhat hilly course in 1-46-00. Our start gaps imply a similar 45 year old male will take 1-49-00, a 55 year old 1-53-00, a 65 year old 1-58-00, and a 75 year old 2-04-00.
Now use the base times for 35, 45, 55, and 65 year old male riders to generate standards for all ages male and female. The following conditions should be met. Yearly increments should increase with age yet remain the same within the same age start group. The gaps between the top of one age group and the bottom of the next oldest age group should increase with age. Yearly increments should be about 35% (for 40s) of those for individual time trial of same length, 40% (for 60s), up to 60% for 70s and 80s – benefit of drafting offset by somewhat hillier course, drafting benefit decreases for slower, older riders. When the age difference between rider in one 10 year start group and rider in adjacent start group is greater than 10 (can be up to 19) then difference on standard should be greater than start gap between the two groups. When the age difference between rider in one 10 year start group and rider in adjacent start group is less than 10 (can be down to 1) then difference on standard should be less than the start gap between the two groups.
The following chart is about the only one which plausibly meets the conditions.

For moderately hilly circuits of about 64 k (40 miles). Males.

30. 1-45-30
31. 1-45-32
32. 1-45-36
33. 1-45-42
34. 1-45-50
35. 1-46-00
36. 1-46-12
37. 1-46-24
38. 1-46-36
39. 1-46-48
35-39 increments 12 seconds. Gap between 39 and 40 is 57 seconds.
40. 1-47-45
41. 1-48-00
42. 1-48-15
43. 1-48-30
44. 1-48-45
45. 1-49-00
46. 1-49-15
47. 1-49-30
48. 1-49-45
49. 1-50-00.
40-49 increments 15 seconds. Gap between 49 and 50 is 1-30.
50. 1-51-30
51. 1-51-48
52. 1-52-06
53. 1-52-24
54. 1-52-42
55. 1-53-00
56. 1-53-18
57. 1-53-36
58. 1-53-54
59. 1-54-12.
Gap between 59 and 60 is 1-58. 50-59 increments are 18 seconds.
60. 1-56-10
61. 1-56-32
62. 1-56-54
63. 1-57-16
64. 1-57-38
65. 1-58-00
66. 1-58-22
67. 1-58-44
68. 1-59-06
69. 1-59-28.
Gap between 69 and 70 is 2-52. 60-69 increments are 22 seconds.
70. 2-2-20
71. 2-2-52
72. 2-3-24
73. 2-3-56
74. 2-4-28
75. 2-5-00
76. 2-5-32
77. 2-6-04
78. 2-6-36
79. 2-7-08.
Gap between 79 and 80 is 3-22. 70-79 increments are 32 seconds.
80. 2-10-30
81. 2-11-12
82. 2-11-54
83. 2-12-36
84. 2-13-18
85. 2-14-00
86. 2-14-42
87. 2-15-24
88. 2-16-06
89. 2-16-48.
Gap between 89 and 90 is 3-52. 80-89 increments are 42 seconds.
90. 2-20-40
91. 2-21-32
92. 2-22-24
93. 2-23-16
94. 2-24-08
95. 2-25-00
96. 2-25-52
97. 2-26-44
98. 2-27-36
99. 2-28-28.
Gap between 99 and 100 about 4-30. 90-99 increments are 52 seconds.

Notice I have increased the age allowance for 70s and older. This is because even good 70s riders like Eric Rayson, Dave Emery, and John Smith have been unable to get into the top 10 Australian pursuit. If 70s improve we could revert to the original gaps, i.e. a 75 standard of 2-04-00, and an 85 standard of 2-11-00.

This Velociraptor group riding age standard chart could be adjusted for courses which are significantly different in length and time from the 64 k (40 mile) standard. For example add 10% to all age standards for the Langley Phoenix Velo Thunderbird race. The chart is easily modified to accommodate massed start (non-Australian pursuit) – start with the same base of 1-46-00 for the hypothetical average 35 year old male, and make the gap between 39 and 40 the same as the 40s yearly increments, the gap between 49 and 50 the same as the 50s yearly increments, etc. This would enable us to have massed start hill climbs with age standard results. For instance a massed start Shawnigan hill climb would be 25% of the massed start 64 k age standards, Penticton hill climb would be 33%. Incidentally, hill climbs with riders setting off individually can easily be fitted into present age standards – simply incorporate the time trial standards from a time trial of similar duration.

The Velociraptor group riding age standard for a woman is that of a male 15 years her senior.

The Velociraptor group riding age standard chart can easily be modified for courses where the age group start gaps are different from our standard ones – e.g. an Australian pursuit Shawnigan hill climb.

At 67 I feel the decline setting in and so I am more motivated to come up with comprehensive age standards to give me something to race for even though I don’t have a hope of keeping up with guys 30 years younger.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Circuit of Lake Quamichan (Maple Bay) Sunday May 2nd 2010

There is an English pub name which captures the flavour of Australian pursuit cycle road races – ‘The Hare and Hounds’. The thrill of the chase. Often there is more uncertainty, excitement, and drama in Australian pursuit than in regular road racing. Many races within the race. How many of the faster chasing groups will catch me? Will I be caught by just a few from the faster groups or by most of a group? Will voracious chasers get me in their sights with only 5 k to go? How long can I hold out or hold on?

In the Circuit of Lake Quamichan new sexagenarian Derek Tripp again set a lung bursting pace from the start, riding away from Ray Morrison and David Mercer, leaving them gasping, legs buckling, on the first lap main climb after about 10k. However, for the next 2 laps Morrison and Mercer had the incentive of seeing Derek in the distance until he vanished over the horizon like dreams of youthful vigour.

The fast men of the 30s, 40s, and 50s groups were holding together and pushing well but none could absorb the leaders of the group in front. Yet the lead five of the 50s were within 19 seconds of scooping up all but Derek Tripp at the finish. Also, powerful 40s duo Bob Cameron and Steve Bachop were only 30 seconds behind the 50s leaders. Another 5k and the race would have had quite a different ending.

The most exciting sub race was in the 50s. Martin Willock got a gap a few times in the closing kilometers before awing his fellows with an audacious jump on the last corner with 500 m still to go. As at Langley 50s riders had praise for Ray Wagner’s work in leading the chase – another fittingly Wagnerian performance.

Good to see track stalwarts Malcolm Faulkner and James Holtz adding colour to the road race taking on uncongenial terrain. Watch out when Jim breaks down and buys a carbon bike to replace his steel one to celebrate moving up to the 60s. Thanks to Dave Steen on the first corner for shouting out clear time checks.

Again gracious Duane Martindale, photo maestro, added pep to the 50s group before dropping out nonchalantly to assist better half Helen with the finish. The finish was also expertly handled by Lynda Bowden and Glenda Harling along with Nanaimo uber organizer and commissaire Peter McCaffery.

The gleaming, sculpted legal legs of Bob Cameron were on display to complement the prime exhibit of scenic Lake Quamichan in post-race Moose Rd. Lodge. 30s Shane Savage, Lois Watson, and Dan Larche looked like a trio of Titans yet could pull back only 1’ 22” on the scorching 40s twosome. Lone 70s lean but jovial John Smith fittingly teamed up with sole woman, charming Alix Reid who made a welcome return to racing only last year. Former hockey player John Guthrie 52 in only his second season of cycle racing has now moved up to elite class after excellent back to back 6th places.

Best performance went to Derek Tripp who riding in effect entirely alone gave up only 3’ 20’’ to a numerous and formidable 50s chasing group.

Photo pick: (Duane’s site) Page 4 50s sprint. Page 6 30s sprint.

Velociraptors Scratch Points.

1. Louis Watson 1 40’ 32’’ (actual time) 10 points
2. Shane Savage 1 40’ 32” 9 points
3.Dan Larche same time 8 points 4. Bob Cameron 1 41’ 54” 7
5. Steve Bachop same time 6
6. Jason Eagles 1 44’ 50” 5
7. Martin Willock 1 45’ 24” 4
8. Steve Crowley same time 3
9. John Guthrie same time 2
10. Mike Sevcov same time 1 point.

Velociraptors Age Standard Points

See Group Ride Age Standards blog for details.
Actual Time Age Standard Points
1. David Mercer 67 1-50-09 + 8-35 10
2. Mike Sevcov 57 1-45-24 + 8-12 9
3. Bill Yearwood 58 1-45-54 + 8-00 8
4. Martin Willock 56 1-45-24 + 7-54 7
5. Derek Tripp 60 1-48-44 + 7-26 6
6. Bob Cameron 45 1-41-54 + 7-06 5
7. Steve Bachop 45 1-41-54 + 7-06 4
8. John Guthrie 52 1-45-54 + 6-42 3
8. Michael Stoehr 55 1-46-18 + 6-42 3
10. Ray Morrison 61 1-50-05 + 6-27 1
11. Ray Wagner 51 1-45-24 + 6-24
12. Steve Crowley 50 1-45-24 + 6-06
13. Dan Larche 38 1-40-32 + 6-04
14. Steve Munro 50 1-45-41 + 5-49
15. Shane Savage 35 1-40-32 + 5-28
16. Louis Watson 33 1-40-32 + 5-10

Note: first 16 Australian Pursuit spread 3-48.
First 16 Velociraptors Age Standard spread 3-25

Velociraptors Regular/Non-Elite Points.

1. Lionel Gaudet 10 points
2. Ron Shick 9
3. James Holtz 8
4. Barton Bourassa 7
5. John Smith 6
6. Harry Balke 5 points
7. Ian Birch 4
8. Malcom Faulkner 3
9. Ian Harper 2
10. Wayne Shtybel 1

Womens Velociraptors Points

Alix Reid gets maximum 10 points in all three Velociraptors Points Competitions.

Please let me know of errors in times, age, etc. and if you think you are allocated to wrong Elite/Regular category. As a rough guide I am taking a 50 year old who does a 10 mile tt at over 40 kph to be Elite.