Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Group Ride Age Standards for Longer Races

Velociraptor Individual Group Ride Age Standards for Australian Pursuit. Longer Courses (72-80 k instead of regular 64 k).
Add approx. 10% to yearly increments and 10 year age gaps for regular courses chart.
Note: racing age is not your age on the day of the race. It is the age you attain during the current calendar year.

30. 1-56-01
31. 1-56-04
32. 1-56-09
33. 1-56-16
34. 1-56-25
35. 1-56-36
36. 1-56-49
37. 1-57-02
38. 1-57-15
39. 1-57-28
Gap between 39 and 40 is 1-03. 35-39 increments 13 seconds.
40. 1-58-31
41. 1-58-47
42. 1-59-03
43. 1-59-19
44. 1-59-35
45. 1-59-51
46. 2-00-07
47. 2-00-23
48. 2-00-39
49. 2-00-55
Gap between 49 and 50 is 1-39. 40-49 increments are 16 seconds.
50. 2-02-34
51. 2-02-54
52. 2-03-14
53. 2-03-34
54. 2-03-54
55. 2-04-14
56. 2-04-34
57. 2-04-54
58. 2-05-14
59. 2-05-34
Gap between 59 and 60 is 2-10. 50-59 increments are 20 seconds.
60. 2-07-44
61. 2-08-08
62. 2-08-32
63. 2-08-56
64. 2-09-20
65. 2-09-44
66. 2-10-08
67. 2-10-32
68. 2-10-56
69. 2-11-20
Gap between 69 and 70 is 3-11. 60-69 increments are 24 seconds.
70. 2-14-31
71. 2-15-06
72. 2-15-41
73. 2-16-16
74. 2-16-51
75. 2-17-26
76. 2-18-01
77. 2-18-36
78. 2-19-11
79. 2-19-46
Gap between 79 and 80 is 3-46. 70-79 increments are 35 seconds. 80-89 increments are 46 seconds. Thus, standard for 80 is 2-23-32, etc.

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